TPIN SERVER - Telephone Personal Identification Number


TPIN – Telephone Personal Identification Number, is a numeric password used to authenticate a user to a system. TPIN server will be used as a tool to validate the callers over the phone. For software component for TPIN verification. Subsequently, an isolated server system called TPIN server is used to validate the caller. The TPIN server will have its personal database MS SQL Server and will interconnect only with TPIN Service & API. Below given is one of the call flow using TPIN authentication on IVR Application.

TPIN SERVER – Features

  • TPIN verification is required to be performed only for client identification, for which the Customer Identification or any unique number is required.
  • Based on the requirement, client can set or map any kind of unique number for TPIN validation i.e. account number, credit card number, debit card number etc..
  • Also based on the requirement client can decide the standard TPIN length for verification, by default TPIN length is 4 digits. It is recommended to use the standard one.
  • Also there is a provision to have TPIN in alpha numeric also, as per the requirement of client, but can be configured only once at the time of implementation.
  • Paperless process by providing temporary TPIN via email or SMS and validating the same for generating the TPIN.
  • All the required data is been encrypted using 3des encryption formula which is highly secured.

